We are bringing this Blog to an end.
The First Sunday Thing had been good for a number of people –
four of the people there this morning do not usually
attend any other service and one of them spoke to us afterwards about how
useful he found it.
But it hasn’t caught the imagination of others – readership
of this Blog is low and our hope has not been fulfilled that a trickle of those
who had come once at the time of a child’s Baptism would return and build up a
larger regular congregation.
We shall have the service as usual next month (March).
We shall not have it the following month (April) when the
first Sunday falls on Easter Day – it will be our big Easter Festival Communion
at both churches that day.
Then, beginning the month after that (May) we shall begin to
have an informal ‘First Sunday Communion’ in both churches for a few months and
see how that goes.