Monday, 31 August 2009

Bell chiming

There will be an opportunity to explore and try the chiming mechanism on St Nicolas’ bells on Sunday. The church has a full set of bells in the tower but the ancient frame in which they sit is no longer strong enough for them to be rung by swinging them through full circles. Instead wires have been attached to small hammers which hit the bells when the wires are pulled near the organ. Everyone who wishes to do so will be able to go up the stairway in the vestry, be shown what it is all about, and have a go.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

6th September

If you show special attention to someone who is dressed well but say 'sit in the corner' to someone who seems obviously less important, then you can hardly claim that you are one of those who 'loves his neighbour as himself'.

This is a warning near the end of the Bible due to be read on 6th September, so we've decided to make it the key for our service on that day.

What are the habits and the things which people around us regard as natural behaviour and attitudes which actually pull us to behave in ways which deny the Gospel by which we claim to live?

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Brass rubbing

This is one of the brass rubbings from the last First Sunday Thing. We look forward to planning the next two on Tuesday evening.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

I am the web

Our First Sunday Thing is 'all age worship' rather than just 'family service'. We try to provide a proper creche and activities suitable for children. But we also try to provide things for adult study as well. Last time a group of about ten studied the different places in John's Gospel where Jesus says 'I am the bread of life' or 'I am the vine' or something similar. They looked at the depth of meaning behind these, and also wondered what images John might have used if he was writing today. Their suggestions included: I am the text; I am the sat nav; I am the energy; I am the window; I am the conscience; I am the server; I am the facilitator; I am the net; I am the provider; I am th ISP; I am the search engine; I am the navigator.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Today's bread

This is some of the pitta bread coming off the production line at the service this morning. Those who helped roll it out seemed to have almost as much fun as those who eat it. And it all helped bring alive Jesus' saying 'I am the bread of life'. We will be planning the September and October services at the Rectory at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 18th August: comments or suggestions from those who cannot come along would be as welcome as always.