Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Catching up

Peter Mullins has been without internet access for three weeks so hasn't been able to update this site.

On 5th December forty people gathered in St Michael's despite the snow, and shared in a service which included everyone making his or her own Christingle; we explored Isaiah's vision of the lamb and the lion lying down together and prayed 'nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cobver the sea'.

On 2nd January we will not hold a First Sunday Thing as we are not sure who'll be up and about that day, but there will be a Family Communion at 10.30 in St Michael's.

On 6th February normal services will be resumed with a said Communion at 9.30 and the first First Sunday Thing of 2011 at 10.30 in St Michael's; details will appear here in the New Year.

Happy Christmas!