We’ve now got our plans in place for our third First Sunday Thing.
There will again be a quiet half hour Communion service in the Lady Chapel at 9.30 a.m. for those who want to attend this as well as or instead of the activities later in the morning.
After refreshments when people arrive in time for 10.30 a.m., we will again be able to join in different activities in different parts of the church. People will be able to join a group or move about between them.
As it is the first Sunday in Lent we will be creating things to explore Jesus' being tempted in the wilderness.
A musical group will be preparing voices and instruments to sing 'man shall not live by bread alone'; we hope to build up quite a dramatic round of singing.
A drama group will be preparing a sketch about the temptations of celebrity.
An art group will be making a large representation of the kingdoms and powers of the earth.
Two others groups will be learning about what keeping Lent means and looking at what is in the Lord's Prayer.
The parish's Youth Group will be demonstrating its wii and other activities.
After a while, we'll again be bringing all this together in a short act of worship.
And a report from the diocese's newspaper says he'll try to join us as well.